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Maximum Power Point Tracker
Maximum Power Point Tracker
Maximum Power Point Tracker
The multi-channel solar cell MPPT system is a powerful and comprehensive multi-channel solar cell and module stability test system tailored for perovskite solar cell researchers. It uses a BBA-level LED solar simulator as an aging light source, and can control the cell temperature and the environmental atmosphere (N2, dry air, constant temperature and humidity, etc.) in a variety of ways. It can perform long-term stability performance tests on multiple groups of cells at the same time. In addition to the traditional MPPT mode, it also adds constant voltage (such as open circuit voltage) and constant current aging (such as short circuit current) modes to increase the flexibility of stability research, and integrates powerful data analysis software to view and compare the performance indicators of different samples in real time.

BBA-level solar light source simulator

The BBA-level LED solar light simulator used in the instrument is an ideal solar light source for scientific research. It is a perfect upgrade of the current xenon light source solar light simulator. Its excellent characteristics are more suitable for the research of solar cells, semiconductor materials and biological sciences.
Light source service life>10000 hours
Optical spot: ≥120*120mm;≥300*300mm; ≥450*450mm
Light intensity can be adjusted within the range of 0.3-1Sum

Multi-channel parallel test system

Using a multi-channel parallel test system, each channel can be measured simultaneously. Low-power programmable DC electronic load card, with high precision, high reliability, full function (constant current, constant voltage, constant power, constant resistance), easy integration and other characteristics.

Test fixture

Customized N2 sample chamber, sealed with a sealing ring to prevent leakage, and electrical access is achieved by introducing wires into the chamber through an airtight multi-core power cord. This method is easier to operate.

Software system

This software supports I-V curve, P-V curve, short-circuit current (Isc), open-circuit current (Voc), maximum power point voltage (Vmax), maximum power point current (Imax), maximum power value (Pmax), conversion efficiency (η), fill factor (FF), current density (Jsc), series resistance (Rs), parallel resistance (Rsh) and other measurement modes.

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